Monday, May 5, 2008

Kittens on the Keys

Astonishing -- Koto and Lyra want to play the piano! Here Lyra is gingerly touching the keys with her front paw. Well, I could tell these kittens were smart...

Oh. Turns out they were only trying to use the keys to get on top of the piano.

As Koto climbs up, his back paws lower cover or whatever you call the thing that lowers to cover the keys, and he scrambles up to onto the piano's desk (music stand area.) Considering the loud bang the cover makes as it falls, I don't think he'll be trying that again.

(Wrong again, silly human. The photos here were taken last night, and as I am typing this I hear a single piano note. A trip to the parlor reveals that Koto is balanced on the music stand -- he got up this time without a bang -- and Lyra is on the bench debating her own path to the top.)

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